can someone give me tips for this essay assignment?
The United States Government is proposing that we cut the space budget. You will need to write a speech to present to Congress to defend the budget. Make sure to explain the needs concerning space travel and its value to the United States.
We have discussed the different ways that NASA evaluates space. Please describe these to Congress, including both the advantages and disadvantages.
The lesson gives you the foundation for this speech, but it does not give you all the information. You will need to do a bit of searching. We encourage you to talk to adults, search the NASA site, think about what we know about space that we have learned from space exploration, and think about what we could learn from future space exploration.
Speech writing is a great skill to have. The hardest part is being organized and keeping it brief and to the point. Speech writing is not much different than writing a good essay. Here are some general guidelines to get you started:
Use an introduction that describes what points you are going to make. Give a little overview of what space exploration is here. This should be about a paragraph.
Use the mid-section of your speech to explain specific points. Don’t ramble. Don’t try to make too many points at once; use no more than three key points. This section should not contain more than three paragraphs.
Give a recap and wrap up; this is the conclusion. Write a few sentences that are a summary of what you have said. Make sure that these are your key points to your argument of why space exploration is important. Try to end with a sentence that thanks people for listening and encourage them to consider your points.