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The consequences of exposure to violence are as sweeping as the scope of violence itself, not only in terms of the acute and chronic health problems that accompany many of the types of violence women and girls experience, but also because victimisation can increase risk of future ill-health for survivors.  

Evidence from across the world indicates that VAWG seriously undermines women’s physical, sexual, and mental health.  Mental health effects may include somatic complaints, depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, and suicidality.  Physical health effects of VAWG include injuries that can cause both acute and chronic illness, impacting neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, urinary, and reproductive systems.  Sexual health effects include unwanted pregnancies, complications from unsafe abortions, and sexually transmitted infections.  A growing body of literature provides evidence of an association between VAWG and HIV/AIDS. Victims of VAWG may suffer further because of the stigma associated with violence against them, putting them at greater social and economic risk due to community and family ostracism.  However, many of these effects are hard to identify, not least because of the under-reporting associated with VAWG, but also because symptoms are not always easily recognizable by health and other providers as evidence of exposure to VAWG.  (For more information about the health effects of VAWG, see the HEALTH MODULE.)

The three consequences which are the result of lack of basic service to the individual and community are undermined in the context of the women's physical, sexual, and mental health.

What is undermined?

Undermining someone or their position or authority weakens that person's authority or position, frequently by subterfuge. Undermine is sometimes used interchangeably with the words cripple, debilitate, disable, enfeeble, sap, and weaken.

All of these phrases refer to "losing or causing to lose strength or vigor," while undermine and sap refer to a weakening caused by someone acting covertly and cunningly. Here are a few examples of undermining. For instance, preparing an area for watering under a footbridge, a team can lose a game because of a weak player on the team, and many more.

As a result of undermining, there is a lack of basic services.

Learn more about undermining from here: