Listen to the first stanza. What can you tell about the
young man's attitude toward Father William?
Father William
He doesn't think Father William
should be allowed to have fun.
by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
"YOU are old, Father William," the young man
"And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head-
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
He thinks Father William is
going to hurt himself.
1 He thinks Father William is too
old to be doing what he does.
"In my youth," Father William replied to his
"I feared it might injure the brain;
But, now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again."
He has a lot of respect for
what Father William does.
30% Complete

Listen to the first stanza What can you tell about the young mans attitude toward Father William Father William He doesnt think Father William should be allowed class=