there is to many digits, an American Express card has only 15 digits while this card has 16.
Step-by-step explanation:
Each brand starts with a specific number:
- American Express card numbers start with the number 3.
- Visa starts with 4.
- Mastercard starts with 5.
- Discover starts with 6.
Each brand has a specific number of digits in the card number:
- Mastercard and Discover cards have 16 digits.
- American Express has 15 digits.
- Visa can have up to 19 digits but physical cards will usually have 16 digits.
The security code number (CVV or CVV2) for each card types are:
- Visa, Mastercard and Discover have a 3-digit number on the back of the card in the signature panel.
- American Express has a 4-digit number on the front of the card above the last 2 digits in the card number.