These questions are based on the book The Outsiders chapters 9-10

Ponyboys stereotype of Shepard’s gang and the Brumly boys.

1. What term does Ponyboy use to describe the other greaser gangs at the rumble?

2. What does Ponyboy predict they will grow up to be?

3. How does Ponyboy think they will change as they grow older?

4. How does Ponyboy stereotype the Brumly boys from their speech?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Respuesta :

Ponyboy describes them as Young hoods who enjoyed being a hood. He says that they would grow up to become old hoods. He thinks that they will only become worse when they get older. This is different than how he views the members of his gang. He uses Dally for contrast saying that Darry wouldn't grow up to be a hood - he wanted to get away. He stereotypes the Brumly boys as being illiterate. He says, "I doubt if half of them can read a newspaper."