Create a timeline (in Spanish) indicating the introduction of various gadgets and technologies, such as cell phones, computers, the Internet, and Wi-Fi, and briefly mention how these technologies have affected the lives of those living in Chile.

Respuesta :

Hola amigo!!

Es un placer ayudarte!! (It is my pleasure to be helping you!!)

Linea de tiempo ( Timeline)

1927: Televisores fueron inventados en 1927 (TVs were invented in 1927)

1947: Las computadoras fueron inventadas en 1947 (Computers were invented in 1947)

1973: Los telèfonos celulares se inventaron el 3 de abril de 1973 ( Cell Phones were invented on April Third 1973)

1983: Internet fue inventado en 1983 (Internet was invented in 1983)

1991: Wifi fue inventado en 1991 (Wifi was invented in 1991)

I would say that ti has affected people in Chile by being able to communicate better with friends and family who may live far. Today, with all these technologies, the world today in Chile is probably not the same as it is today as it was back in the day. I think before cell phones were even invented, people used to write to each other instead calling with computers and having the internet, and having chargers to charge phones when they die. There are so many things that has probably changed over chile in years but at least today w are grateful for the things we have that we didn't used to have.

(Sorry if the brief message was supposed be in spanish, but if so let me know and I'll re arrange what I typed in spanish).

Espero que mi respuesta sea una ayuda para ti !! ( I hope my answer was a help to you).

Tener un fabuloso martes !! ( Have a fabulous Tuesday).
