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Book written by Steven Covey. Is used widely in the business world to improve leadership skills. 

1) Be proactive
2) Begin with the end in mind
3) Put 1st things 1st
4) Think "win-win"
5)Seek 1st to understand, then be understood
6) Synergize
7)Sharpen the saw

8) Create a legacy
1) Be proactiveTake action, create positive outcomes. Do not be passive. Do not wait for problems to happen, prevent them from happening.2) Begin with the end in mindHave a long term goal. Have a plan and vision for your future, and make short term goals to get there.3) Put 1st things 1stPrioritize. Know what needs to be done first and what is most important. Learn how to do the most important things first.4) Think "win-win"Create situations where EVERYONE involved feels happy and satisfied. Everyone feels success, like they "won."5)Seek 1st to understand, then be understoodMake sure you are an active "listener." Clarify and ask questions. Make sure and confirm you understand the information and the situation. THEN, make sure everyone understands your input. Listen first, express second.