According to ida
b. wells, lynching was a problem rooted in economics and the shifting social structure of the south. attacks on white women by black men in the south and the north. attacks on black women by white men who employed them as domestics. the concept of separate spheres, particularly in the south.

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Ida believes that lynching was a problem rooted in:.economics and shifting social structure of the South.
Lynching is a process when a certain group conducted various of actions to terrorize/intimidate another group.
Due to the economic shifting, the southern no longer had the superior economy since they're behind in technology development and they no longer could use slave labor.
Because of this, a lot of them choose to taking their frustation out on minorities that they feel they could intimidate.
According to ida b. wells, lynching was a problem rooted in economics and the shifting social structure of the south. Basically the economics and the shift in the social structure were responsible for the problem of lynching. The upward movement of lower class within the social strata and the economic conditions ultimately leads to the problem of lynching.