French 04.08 Révision and Discussion-based Assessment

1. Tu vas à la piscine? 2. Tu vas à l'école? 3. Est-ce que ton papa va à la poste aujourd'hui? 4. Qu'est-ce qui est sur la table? 5. Describe (it's OK to use English) how to make the following sentence plural: Le pull est vert.

Respuesta :

My first lang is french so ill help you!
1. Do you go to the pool/or swimming?
2. You go to school?or do you go to school?
3. Is your dad going to the post today?
4. What's on the table?
5.  Les pulls sont vert

hi !

1- Are you going to the swimming pool ?

2- Are you going to school ?

3- Is your father going to the post-office today ?

4- What's on the table ?

5- Le pull est vert  , plural form =Les pulls sont verts                                             le = les- pull, you add ans s/ verb être 3rd person plural = sont/                       vert= colour adjective taking an S

The colour adjectives as blanc, noir, rouge, vert, bleu,....... designing only colours agree in gender and number with the noun they qualify.
Des jupes rouges et bleues. Des pantalons noirs Une robe blanche

Except colours  which are nouns as chocolat , orange, marron,turquoise, or, cerise, crème......
 except "rose, mauve, fauve" . All the others that maybe noun will never agree.

the you have compound's a bit more difficult

hope it helps !