Examine the physical characteristics of the frog and determine if it is a vertebrate or an invertebrate. Be sure to justify your answer.

A vertebrate is an animal which has a series of nerves running down from its brain to its back and are covered by special bones. These bones are called as vertebrae make up the spine which protects the nerves and provides the animals a wide range of motion.
Frogs are classified as amphibians and live in forest areas near water bodies and are different from reptiles as they lay eggs in water and not on land.
The physical characteristics of frogs classify them as vertebrates as they possess a full skeletal structure including the spinal cord.
Vertebrates are the animals that come under the phylum Chordata. They are animals or mammals that have a spine or vertebrae stretching down their body.
Invertebrates are animals with no vertebrae on the dorsal side of the body.
The frog given in the diagram is a vertebrate animal.
Therefore, frogs are vertebrates.
To learn more about vertebrates and invertebrates follow the given link: