Freud proposed that psychological development in childhood takes
place in the following stages (by order): oral, anaI, phallic,
latency, and genital.
oral- This stage goes from birth to eighteen months of age. The
main focus is pleasure seeking through the infant’s
mouth, they need to taste and suck. if not, the infant will be fixated leading to adult habits such as smoking, thumb-sucking, over-eating, and baiting nails.
anaI- This stage goes from eighteen months to three years of age. The infant pleasure centers are in the bowels and
bladder. Is the moment to teach toilet training and bowel control. Fixation in this stage can lead to being overly
neat, precise, and organized or the complete opposite, being
disorganized, messy, and destructive.
Phalic- This stage goes from 3 years old and ends at 6
years of age. This stage focuses on the genitals as pleasure. The
child develops incestuous feelings for the parent of the opposite sex and tend to develop characteristics of the same-sex parent. Fixation on this stage make boys take pride in their
masculinity and girls become flirtatious and