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Make the Most of Wellness Programs: Participating in biometric screenings, such as checking blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Let a Discount Card Fill the Gaps: Look for plans that allow you to try it for 30 days and get a refund within that period if you’re not satisfied. Shop Around for the Best Price: Save a significant amount of money simply by changing their health care provider. Get Your Free Preventive Care: By taking advantage of your health plan’s free preventive services, you may be able to identify potential areas of concern before they balloon into something bigger. Make Smart Lifestyle Choices: You can reduce your chances of developing a chronic condition or needing to be hospitalized by eating a balanced diet, staying active and avoiding risky behaviors. Use an HSA with Eligible High-Deductible Plans: Money deposited into an HSA rolls over each year and can be used tax-free for medical expenses, even if your insurance changes.