Jenny is 34 years old and has a bmi of 28. her body type can be described as "pear-like". john is 55 years old with a bmi of 28, and a body type that is "apple-like". why is john more likely than jenny to be at risk for degenerative diseases?

Respuesta :

Jenny is 34 years old and has a bmi of 28. her body type can be described as "pear-like". john is 55 years old with a bmi of 28, and a body type that is "apple-like". why is john more likely than jenny to be at risk for degenerative diseases?
-He has central obesity


Having a BMI of 28 indicates that both jenny and john are overwieght.

So , it is quite obvious that getting such problems at a hugh age of 55 is quite more dangerous than having such problems at an age of 28. Degenrative disease are majorly caused in aging. So, clearly john more likely than jenny to be at risk for degenerative diseases.


The BMI is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. BMI is a simple and economical method of determining weight categories such as underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity.

BMI Categories:

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Adults who are overweight or obese had a 55 percent higher lifetime risk of having depression than persons who are not overweight or obese, according to one study. Other studies have connected obesity to an increased risk of serious depression, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder or agoraphobia.

A degenerative disease is a medical disorder in which a tissue or organ gradually deteriorates. There are many degenerative diseases, and many of them are linked to aging or worsen as people age.

Degenerative disease is the consequence of a long-term process involving degenerative cell changes that affects tissues or organs and causes them to degrade. Neurodegeneration causes central nervous system cells to stop working or die in neurodegenerative illnesses.

Learn more about BMI here: