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Bicameral means two bodies in government. Federalism is the belief that the federal government should be more powerful than the states. Federalism would include bicameralism to have two chambers in the federal government. The extra chamber takes the place of state governments.

Federalism seeks so combine a strong national (federal) government with authority also granted to state or regional governments.

In the American government system, bicameralism--having a two-chamber legislature--expresses federalism in this way:

The Senate gives each state the same number of legislators -- two from each state. This points to the nation as a single governmental unit in which all states have equal authority.

The House of Representatives allots the number of legislators based on each state's population. So a large state, such as California, has 53 representatives (according to current numbers), whereas states with small populations, such as Delaware or Vermont, have only 1 representative each. This gives more populous states greater power in establishing national policy