Describe a plant/ animal in which you can observe wave motion. State the type of wave and describe in relation to body movement

Respuesta :

trees. Every time the wind blows there is a wave of motion which is movement


The wavelike motion usually can be described by the equation:

X(y,t) = Acos(kx - wt) + Bsin(kx - wt), so wavelike motion is usually a periodic motion.

Where k is the wavenumber and w is the frequency.

You can see a wavelike motion in trees when the wind moves them and the branches start to move in oscillatory motion.

Another example of wave motion can be some fishes, that use wavelike motion to impulse in the water.

Another example can be the Vipera ammodytes that move in a wavelike motion, with the objective of increasing its speed and agility in the sand.