Anyone bored enough to proofread my essay?
A father sits on a park bench with an empty stroller, surrounded by moms chatting about pilates and their kid’s sleeping habits. His child ventures down the slide, careful to land on his feet. Both the father and the child look around the park for someone to talk to or play with. The child soon makes a friend and they run off to the swing, leaving the dad to sit awkwardly and wonder if he should join the moms’ conversation which has moved onto a smoothie cleanse. An hour later, a dad shows up, his child running ahead to the playset. This new dad sits next to the first father, and immediately comments on how he rarely sees any dads at this park. A friendship blooms as they discuss the ups and downs of parenting, and each day new dads show up, sending their children to make friends with the sons of the stay at home dads. Everyone benefits from the park where you can visibly see the increase in the stay at home dad lifestyle. Homes all across America are changing, and the children only gain from it. “According to the 2010 census, the number of self-described stay at home fathers in the United States has more than doubled in the past ten years.” (French) As traditional family structures change to accommodate our modern world, numerous men are beginning to stay at home with children. There are many reasons for this paradigm shift which are beneficial to children and the family structure.
History has greatly influenced the role of each family member. Understanding how these traditions came to be can help identify why certain family types are changing. “Pre-Industrialisation, the family worked together as a unit and was self-sufficient.” (“Stay-at-home dad”). When factories began popping up and production increased, roles based on sex were introduced. These new gender roles indicated the father would work and the mother would care for the children and complete house chores. At the start of the feminist movement, many women opted to continue their education and get a job outside the home, creating a need for nannies or babysitters. Some families could not afford an alternate caregiver, leading to stay at home dads, or SAHDs.
Many people equate childcare with mothers and some even say they are more fit to do the job. However, recent studies suggest that having a stay at home dad is the fastest growing family type. “Fathers solely responsible for the care of their children... is now over 2 million.” (Henley). One reason for this is many women are gaining more opportunities in higher paying jobs. This is switching the roles, having dads stay home, and moms earning the main income. “80% of people being laid off are men...” (Henley). Women are now stepping up, allowing men to take the role of primary caretaker. “Women have dedicated the past 40 years establishing an equal footing in the professional world, and have now achieved a 50 percent presence in the workplace.” (Henley). This is leaving men at home, a newly desired family type for many Americans. If it were not for the growing business opportunities for women, fathers staying home would be a rarity.