Respuesta :

-during WWI, many farmers had heavily mortgaged their land to pay for seed, feed, and ... -after the war, prices sank so low that farmers could not even earn their costs and ... -1930-1934: creditors foreclosedon nearly one million farms

The Great Depression and New Deal Unit Test (Connexus)

1.A- Many farmers invested in land

2.A - Hoover targeted organized

3.D - overproduction, lack of government regulation, and bank runs

4.D - the tariffs created an

5.2nd -- i have witnessed and 4th --by adherence

6.B - He believed the crash

7.A- private agencies

8.Ford Hunger march or also known as Ford massacre was a demonstration by the unemployed workers which resulted in police firing and a total of five people were killed and 60 were injured. The march was a result of unemployment caused during the Economic Depression. The impact of this involved historic judgment by grand jury which was criticized for its soft treatment to the police and Ford company guards.

9.A- expanded construction jobs program for skilled workers

B-funded the Red Cross and the Salvation Army

10.C - African Americans experienced increased unemployment in Great Plains, the crop prices, farmers and ranches, the need for extra crops

12.C -Farmers could access credit to expand their farms

E- Farmers were prosperous during the war since growing

13.B- Dust storms blew the topsoil loose and destroyed most plants

14.C- most Americans blamed Hoover for their continued

15. The smoot hawley tariff , the tariff angered, Americans trade, trade markets closed

16. D- Midwestern states with high unemployment voted overwhelmingly for Roosevelt

17. B - He led by explaining his policies in a way m

18. 2nd one-- the task can be helped by

19. D- the government has a responsibility to protect

20. 1stbox:emergency, 2nd box:Tennessee valley

3rd box: ccc, 4th box: FERA

21.A- The government was destroying food at a time

22.D- Antitrust suits were suspended against businesses tha

23.C- to protect the country’s natural resources

24. D- established a social safety net for the elderly and

25. E- workers' wages increased

26. 2nd highlight- i think all u have to do

27. B- It created more than 40,000 jobs for artists, musicians, writers, and actors.

28. A - Artists were hired for posters, murals, and other commissions.

29. C - their photos detailed the struggles of farmers and migrants

30. The New Deal has had a positive track record in addressing the U.S economic crisis. The Roosevelt government offered this package of economic reforms, and on this occasion, we will single out only a few. 2-3 programs that were effective was the: Banking Law, Public Works Program, National Industry Restoration.

31. B- women, African Americans, and the rural poor

32. A- Many domestic workers were excluded from social security.

E- Only women with disabled or deceased husbands could get WPA jobs.