Visual encoding( of picture images) and acoustic encoding (of sound) are shallower forms of processing than s semantic encoding (of meaning). We process verbal information best when we encode it semantically, especially if we apply the self-reference effect, making information "relevant to me".
What is encoding
- Character encoding is the process of relating numbers to graphic characters, especially those written in human language, so that they can be stored, transmitted, and converted using digital computers.
- In computers, encoding is the process of converting strings (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and certain symbols) into a particular format for efficient transmission or storage.
- Decoding is the reverse process, converting the encoded form back to the original string.
- Coding is the process of transforming thoughts into communication. Encoders use "media" to send messages. by phone, email, text message, face-to-face meeting, or other means of communication.
- For example : If a child hears the sound /t/ and then writes the letter 't', it means that he can decipher the sound.
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