What do the three boarders from the metamorphosis most clearly represent?

A. Hope, which is brief and false

B. Family, which is warm and welcoming

C. Society, which is cold and unforgiving

D. Love, which is passionate and exciting

Respuesta :

The three boarders from the metamorphosis most clearly represent, C. Society which is cold and unforgiving.

The three boarders are meant to stand in for society as a whole, highlighting both its harshness and its capacity for repentance. Even though the boarders are only minor players in the plot, they help to undermine Mr. Samsa's authority once he has recovered control of the household. The three boarders are the three Samsas who live in their home. They are intended to represent society as a whole, demonstrating both its savagery and its capacity for forgiveness. The middle boarder, despite speaking the most, expresses what the other two are supposed to be thinking. Although the boarders are only minor characters in the story, they contribute to Mr. Samsa's power being challenged after he regains it as the head.

To learn more about Metamorphosis: https://brainly.com/question/24173319