The size of the fetal face is one-third the size of the fetal cranium while the adult skull is two-thirds the size of the adult cranium.
The face of a fetus is foreshortened and overshadowed by its cranium. Also, his mandible and maxilla are very tiny. On the contrary, the adult cranium is comparatively smaller and his facial bones are comparatively larger than the cranium.
Cranium is the outer protective layer of the skull. It comprises 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones. It has two main parts: cranial roof and cranial base. The cranial roof consists of frontal, occipital and two parietal bones. The cranial bases also comprises these three types of bones and also includes sphenoid, ethmoid and temporal bones.
The cranial bones are connected by connective tissues during infancy to allow their growth and form one piece. The primary function of cranium includes protecting the brain and providing a link for the attachment of facial muscles.
The size of the fetus ' face increases as it matures and thus has a very small face compared to its cranium. The cranium in the adult is all grown up and does not grow further. It has a larger size than that of a fetus. The bones in the adult cranium are also fixed while those in a fetus are still growing.
To know more about the cranium, refer to the following link: