A well-known illustration of the international exchange system is Bernardo Davanzati's account of the "bills of exchange" mechanism from 1582. However, Davanzati had his best performance in his speech on coinage from 1588. In separating "value-in-exchange" from "value-in-use," Davanzati recognised the "paradox of value.
About Bernardo davanzati:
- Agronomist, economist, and translator Bernardo Davanzati was an Italian who lived from 1529 until 1606. Tacitus was primarily translated by Davanzati. He also attempted the concision of Tacitus in his own Italian prose, taking a motto Strictius Arctius reflecting his ambition.
- He was a metallist who wrote about economics.
- His works included Notizie dei cambi (1582) and Lezione delle monete (1588). His Scisma d'Inghilterra was first published in 1602 in Rome.
- It was a concise version of a work of Girolamo Polling, on the English Reformation, which itself was dependent on a Latin work of 1585 written by Nicholas Sander and Edward Rishton.
- John Milton used its imprimaturs from the 1638 edition) as an illustration on his Areopagitica.
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