A postpartum woman is experiencing subinvolution. when reviewing the client's history for factors that might contribute to this condition, which factors would the nurse identify?

Respuesta :

The nurse identified the factors that contribute to Uterine infection, such as hydramnios and prolonged labor.

What is a Uterine infection?

A rare but serious cause of subsequent postpartum hemorrhage is the subinvolution of placental sites.

The anomalous persistence of massive, dilated, superficially changed spiral arteries in the absence of retained fetuses is the hallmark of SPS.

Long labor and challenging delivery, uterine infection, and overstretching of the uterine muscles, such as from hydramnios, close childbirth intervals, a full bladder, and incomplete ejection of amniotic membranes and placenta are all factors that prevent involution.

A full bladder, early ambulation, and breastfeeding would promote uterine involution.

Most frequently, bacteria usually present in the vagina cause chorioamnionitis. When the amniotic sac (bag of waters) is ruptured for a prolonged period prior to birth, it occurs more frequently.

This enables vaginal bacteria to ascend into the uterus. Approximately one to two percent of pregnancies result in polyhydramnios.

The majority of mild cases of polyhydramnios are brought on by a slow accumulation of amniotic fluid in the second part of pregnancy.

Breathing difficulties, preterm labor, and other signs and symptoms of severe polyhydramnios are possible.

Check out the link  below to learn about sub-involution postpartum;



Universidad de Mexico