A promissory note is best defined as written evidence of debt.
A promissory note is an assurance of payment. A promissory note is a type of loan instrument that includes a written pledge from the issuer to the recipient.
Promissory notes come in a number of different forms:
1) Personal Promissory Notes (PPNs) – This type of loan is taken out specifically from relatives or friends. Even though most individuals avoid signing formal paperwork when asking a close friend or relative for a loan, the promissory note shows that the lender has faith and confidence in the borrower's well-being.
2) Commercial: The note is made here when dealing with commercial lenders like banks.
3) Real estate: In terms of the repercussions of nonpayment, this is comparable to commercial notes. The party has the right to detain the property until the debt is paid if the borrower defaults. It carries some risk because all the pertinent information is made public, which may harm the borrower's credit history going forward.
4) Investments: The promissory note may at times be utilized to obtain capital for the company. It is controlled by securities regulations and utilized for security purposes. It contains clauses pertaining to returns on investment.
Learn more about the promissory note