To create this piece and convey a desired message or feeling, the artist relied mainly on the principles of variety and harmony.
Variety- Variety is an art principle that adds interest to a work of art. Contrast and juxtaposition are used to create variety. When an artist juxtaposes different visual elements, he or she employs variety. The juxtaposition of straight and curved lines adds interest. Organic shapes interspersed among geometric shapes add variety. The juxtaposition of bright and dull colors adds variety.
Harmony- Harmony is an artistic principle that emphasizes the similarities of separate but related parts to create cohesiveness. It is important to note that harmony is not the same as unity. Harmony, on the other hand, enhances unity in a work of art. Harmony, in particular, uses art elements (color, line, shape, form, value, space, texture) to create a sense of togetherness among otherwise disparate parts.
Learn more about variety & harmony here: