Is △DBE similar to △ABC ? If so, which postulate or theorem proves these two triangles are similar?

​ △DBE ​ is similar to ​ △ABC ​ by the ​ SAS Similarity Postulate ​.
​ △DBE ​ is similar to ​ △ABC ​ by the ​ HL Theorem ​.
​ △DBE ​ is similar to ​ △ABC ​ by the ​ SSS Similarity Postulate ​.
​ △DBE ​ is not similar to ​ △ABC

Respuesta :

Option 1 would be the answer is the figure shows that the two sides and one angle of the angle are congruent.

Option 2 would be correct if both triangles have a congruent hypotenuse and a corresponding leg.

Option 3 would be the answer is the all three sides shows they are congruent.

Option 4 is the answer is there is no congruent measurements.

Hope this helps. Have a nice day.

Just took the quiz myself. The answer is:

△DBE ​  is similar to ​ △ABC ​ by the ​ SAS Similarity Theorem