Identify which answer choice is a dependent clause.


a. After she had already been rude

b. Sherri growled her response to the teacher

c. The teacher responded

d. With a detention slip


a. My mother called my father

b. To tell him

c. I had gone to the museum

d. Whose reaction was priceless

Select the answer choice that contains a dependent clause.


a. Buttons likes it when I feed him.

b. The music was way too loud.

c. The concert took place on Saturday.

d. I fed the dog a handful of potato chips.


a. Freddy cautiously entered the frighteningly dark room.

b. David played games while in class.

c. Raquel was saved from the madman who lives in the basement.

d. The bike went rolling down the hill.

Respuesta :

The options that are or contain dependent clauses are "After she had...," "whose reaction was priceless," "...when I feed him" and "who lives in the basement."

What are dependent clauses?

A dependent clause:

  • Is a group of words that include a subject and a verb.
  • Begins with a subordinating conjunction, such as "after" or "when".
  • Does not express a complete thought on its own.
  • Cannot stand alone as a sentence, but needs a main clause instead.

With the information above in mind, we select option A for number 1 and D for number 2 in the first part. For the second part, we can select option A for number 1 and C for number 2.

All the options chosen begin with subordinating conjunctions - "after", "when", "whose" and "who".

Learn more about dependent clauses here: