Respuesta :

Genotype is the allele combination in an organism. Phenotype is the expression of the alleles in the genotype.


When talking about genotypes, we are referring to the genetic composition of a trait in a specific diploid organism.

Each allele is inherited from a different parent.

These alleles might be equal or different

The genotype depends on how these alleles are combined. It refers to the combination of alleles.

According to the allele combination, organisms are classified as follows,

  • H0m0zyg0us dominant  ⇒  Identical dominant alleles
  • H0m0zyg0us recessive ⇒  Identical recessive alleles
  • Heter0zyg0us ⇒   One dominant allele and one recessive allele.

An organism is h0m0zyg0us for a particular gene when the alleles of that gene are identical on both homologous chromosomes -the one coming from the mother, and the other one coming from the father-.

An organism is heter0zyg0us when the alleles of a gene are different on both homologous chromosomes.


The phenotype is the way in which the genotype can be expressed.

It refers to how the alleles combinations manifest in the organism.

It depends on the inheritance pattern and on the interactions between genes.

It is influenced by environmental pressures.

In a pea plant there are different traits to be considered when studing genotype and phenotype. Let us analyze one of them.

  • Feature: Flower color
  • Traits: White or purple
  • Genes involved: One
  • Alleles: P codes for purple and is dominant

                     p codes for white and is recessive

  • Inheritance pattern: complete dominance

Genotype (allele combination)     Phenotype (genotye expression)      

PP                                                    Purple

Pp                                             Purple (because P hides the epression of p)

pp                                                     White                                                  

You can learn more about genotype and phenotype at