
explain the evolution of power in ancient Greece from a monarchy to an oligarchy to tyranny to a democracy.

Respuesta :

The four most common systems of Greek government were:

Democracy - rule by the people (male citizens).

Monarchy - rule by an individual who had inherited his role.

Oligarchy - ruled by a select group of individuals.

Tyranny - rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.

How did Greece go from monarchy to oligarchy?

The monarchy was eliminated in most ancient Greek city-states by 800 B.C. and replaced with an oligarchy -- ruled by a privileged class of landowning aristocrats and wealthy merchants.

How and why did tyranny occur in Greece?

Greek Tyrants

A tyrant was the leader of tyranny, just as a monarch ruled the monarchy

In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people” (from demos, “the people,” and Kratos, or “power”). It was the first known democracy in the world

Hope this helps, I had to do quite a lot of research.

If this wasn't what you were looking for as an answer I'm truly sorry :(