Instructions: The following argument argues for spending taxpayer money to colonize the moon. Read the argument and answer the question that follows:

Topic and Question

Space Travel: Should our society spend taxpayer money to colonize the moon?

Ineffective Argument

I love space. It rocks.

It is super important to colonize the moon because we will run out of room on earth. My neighbor who grows organic vegetables says that we are ruining the earth’s environment and we will need a new place to live. I totally agree.

I think that another reason we should colonize the moon is that it would be cool. Can you imagine living up there and being able to see the earth? Wow. My best friend says that living on the moon would be an awesome experience for anyone.

The moon is great!

Why is the argument ineffective? In 4 complete sentences (one sentence for each of the bullet points below), explain why the following parts of the argument are ineffective, and how they can be improved:

Mature writing
Point of View
Submit your review of the argument. Do not write a complete argumentative essay. (100 points)