Respuesta :
1) Strongly agree = 5. 2) Agree = 4. 3) Strongly disagree = 1. 4) Strongly disagree = 1. 5) Neutral = 3
1. The ocean commons are a resource for all countries to use.
Strongly agree = 5
As a whole system, all living beings depend on the ocean to live, thrive, and survive.
This item is involved in the global commons definition. The global commons are all the areas and their resources that are beyond the national jurisdiction.
Resources should be equally used at a global level. They should not be overused by some at expense of others, independently on the country - the tragedy of the commons -.
Every country has the same right to use ocean resources and the due to protect them.
2. Wastewater from my home drains directly into the environment.
Disagree = 2
Wastewater from my home is drained into a septic chamber or to a sanitary sewer.
The septic chamber system allows the basic treatment of wastewater. The structure is a chamber that removes sedimentable solids found in wastewater and accumulates them for bio-digestion.
Sanitary sewers systems are underground pipes that transport wastewater from different buildings to a treatment plant.
3. The benefits of oil drilling in the ocean outweigh the consequences.
Strongly disagree = 1
Even though there are benefits of oil drilling, none of them outweigh its consequences to the ocean.
Pollution, noise, and mechanical damage, to name a few, have a huge impact on marine ecosystems, breaking natural equilibrium.
Different forms of life are affected by oil spills, which get to the coasts harming animals and plants. Residues remain in water causing stress and health problems to animals.
Oil extraction affects areas with high nutrient concentrations and that play a significant ecological role.
Oil bases installations require seismic exploration in search of hydrocarbons in the marine bottom. This harms marine biodiversity, especially marine mammals, who depend on sounds, birds, fishes, and others.
Oil extraction favors climatic change by causing ecosystems degradation.
Human health is affected as well. Tourism and other local economical activities are also affected.
4. Garbage should be dumped in oceans more than it is dumped in landfills.
Strongly disagree = 1
As said before, the ocean is one of the global commons. Polluting the ocean with garbage means a direct impact on marine ecosystems.
Animals eat and get stuck in plastics, metals, and other wastes, causing their death or growth malformations. Their survival and reproduction rates decrease as the amount of garbage in the ocean increases.
As this garbage gets degraded, it introduces pollutants to the ocean that remain in the water, getting in animals and plants' tissues, and probably getting back to us again in the trophic chain.
This item is directly related to plastic sea or plastic islands.
5. Plastics can dissolve much faster in water than in landfills.
Neutral = 3
Some researchers have proposed that plastic can degrade faster in the sea than in landfills. They state that wave action and water temperature affect plastic in a way that they degrade it faster.
However, while doing so, they introduce pollutants to the sea that remain in water damaging animals, plants, and human beings.
On the other hand, other researchers believe that this fact depends on the region. Water temperature widely varies in the ocean, so its action on plastic might vary as well.