Complete the phone conversation with the future progressive or future perfect form of the words.
Sean: Hi Kathy. Have you started the project about life in 2112? It's really hard. For example_______(the North Pole/melt) by then? Some websites say yes. others say no
Kathy: I'm about to have dinner. Can we talk at seven?
Sean: I________(have) my dinner then. but l______(finish) by 7:45
Kathy: I_______(practice) with the choix at that time.
Sean:_______(you/look) at the project on the weekend?
Kathy: We're going away, but maybe on Sunday afternoon. I think we______(get back) by then.
Sean: But it's for Wednesday! You______(not finish) it on time.
Kathy: I will, but I think I______(work) late on Tuesday to finish it!