Respuesta :
Hammurabi was a king of Babylon who wrote a legal code that laid the foundations of current legal systems in several terms, such as the principle of presumption of innocence, social hierarchy, prices and salaries, the system of appeals in hierarchical courts or before the king, the professional responsibility, and first of all sets a system of penalties, fines and punishments before the commission of certain crimes. The penalties are aggravated if it is proven that the crimes were on purpose. The penalties vary according to the social classes of the aggressor and the victim.
Hammurabi's code bases its content on the compilation and unification of laws of the different Babylonian cities, which are mostly based also on the Taleon and it is assumed that these laws are dictated to the king by the god Shamash, god of the Sun, god of Justice.
Hammurabi have justified reimbursing the victim by appealing to the Infallibility of the laws because they were dictated by the God of Justice, by the acceptance and practice of the different cities of Babylon and of the legitimacy of his title of Sovereign King, but over all in the concept that having law, the social order is guaranteed and without it everyone would do what he wanted and would apply personal revenge, justice by his own hand and the inequality of forces between different groups of people.