Answer the following: What role does music play in your life?How does music help you communicate with your friends?How does it help identify you?
The Psalms were a collection of songs and poetry. Research various books of Psalms and identify which Psalm conveys human emotions such as Joy and Happiness- Psalms ___________Longing and Grief- Psalms ___________Anger and Impatience- Psalms _____________Patriotism and Solidarity- Psalms ___________Love- Psalms ____________Fear- Psalms _____________ Hope- Psalms ____________According to surveys, which Psalm is the most popular? (pg 141)

Respuesta :

Answer: Music is an important part of our life as it is a way of expressing our feelings as well as emotions. Some people consider music as a way to escape from the pain of life. It gives you relief and allows you to reduce the stress. Music plays a more important role in our life than just being a source of entertainment. Music is a powerful means of communication. It provides a means by which people can share emotions, intentions, and meanings even though their spoken languages may be mutually incomprehensible.  

Experiencing music together, either listening or making music, increases general cooperation. This increased cooperation can decrease tension and conflicts and increase empathy because of shared experiences. Music leads to increased social group cohesion.