1. In one paragraph, write about the careers you have noticed in the world around you. Think about
the following questions:
(0 points)
• When you take a bike ride, go shopping, or go to school, do you observe any jobs that
appeal to you?
• When you think about the jobs of friends, caregivers, or siblings, do any of those appeal to
you? Becoming more aware of careers in your everyday life will

Respuesta :


Construction careers


These types of careers where once in great demand. Builders. skilled workmen, labourers, all these careers are now seeing a steady rise as new builds. and the renovating and outfitting of existing lost industry buildings.

Once back in the 1970's, 80's these decades saw massive booms in the construction industries.

These days, the 2020's the construction industry is making a cone back. slowly to be sure.

these are the careers which need to be filled by those school leaving children who aren't going on to further academic study!


Can't wait to see you guys too I amazing and stone and stone and bring them in my life