Kevin is a 12-month-old boy with high-risk neuroblastoma admit- ted to the hospital with vomiting and failure to thrive. His cur- rent weight is 17 pounds, or 7.7 kg (2nd percentile channel). His length is 79.4 cm (95th percentile channel). Weight for length is <2nd percentile channel. Ideal body weight for length is 10.4 kg.

a. Using the WHO equation for age and sex, calculate the estimated nutrient requirements for this patient.
b. Calculate the estimated caloric intake for this same child to account for his malnourished state.
c. Using the RDA formula below to calculate catch-up needs for weight gain/growth if underweight, calculate Kevin's calorie needs using this method for infants 0-12 months.
d. Which method would you be more likely to use to assess energy needs in this patient?