Respuesta :
I like dog ads. My favorite was one common (in Canada) about a dog who was left at home alone. We see him (in the first part) calmly pressing the play button on a recoder that takes phone messages. He listens to his "masters voice."
The recorded message is where he can find his favorite treat -- something to do with bacon flavored bone shaped strips. He's calm and cool, but then the tape runs out. The next say 40 seconds of the ad is this poor pooch running around trying figure out where she might have put those strips. Every 15 seconds or so he runs back to the recorder and pushes the replay button just to make sure he really did come to the end of it. He becomes more and more frantic. He's a star for sure. The ace of comedy.
I don't remember much else about it. For me it had great ethos. I'd trust that determined animal to sell me a swimming pool (I live in the part of the country where we've just had a month of snow and - 30o C weather).
Pathos well I normally don't like humor that has a victim but this dog was a superb actor. I knew he was well treated: after all, how many dogs do you know that get phone calls telling them where treats are, so all would straighten out when she got home.
I don't remember the product, but I do remember the dog. If he ever comes back, I'll be sure and ask for a paw print, and maybe I'll even consider the product.
The recorded message is where he can find his favorite treat -- something to do with bacon flavored bone shaped strips. He's calm and cool, but then the tape runs out. The next say 40 seconds of the ad is this poor pooch running around trying figure out where she might have put those strips. Every 15 seconds or so he runs back to the recorder and pushes the replay button just to make sure he really did come to the end of it. He becomes more and more frantic. He's a star for sure. The ace of comedy.
I don't remember much else about it. For me it had great ethos. I'd trust that determined animal to sell me a swimming pool (I live in the part of the country where we've just had a month of snow and - 30o C weather).
Pathos well I normally don't like humor that has a victim but this dog was a superb actor. I knew he was well treated: after all, how many dogs do you know that get phone calls telling them where treats are, so all would straighten out when she got home.
I don't remember the product, but I do remember the dog. If he ever comes back, I'll be sure and ask for a paw print, and maybe I'll even consider the product.