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The pandemic affected a lot of people in different ways. Both adults and children. Students are studying for tests and working hard to earn A’s during their home environment online. Essentially, some students may have a large family which makes their work environment loud and hard to focus. Others may be stuck on a math problem but aren’t able to reach their busy teacher to ask a question. Therefore, the pandemic for students is a challenge to succeed school in. However, students with the right motivation and determination to succeed no matter the challenge to make it out just fine. When thinking about the pandemic is a different perspective it could be a good thing to prepare students for the challenges in life. For instance, the struggle they are going through right now will make them stronger and more prepared for what the future holds for them.

Stephen Hawking quotes “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” This drastic change is actually a good thing for students. They are currently living in the history of the future and have a story to tell. Living through a pandemic gives students the chance to come out stronger than ever. To embrace change. To run towards a challenge. Change is the most important thing in life. No matter how hard individuals trie to stay the same, change will still happen. However, the pandemic has affected a lot of individuals in a negative way they should look at this with a different perspective. The pandemic won’t last forever so let’s end this with a strong attitude.