Respuesta :
1. Unrelenting: Inflexible; refusing to yield.
2. Bureaucracy: A system of leaders who carry out the work of the government through the use of departments.
3. Welfare State: A country in which the government assumes a large share of the social caretaking of the people.
4. Habeas Corpus: An order to bring an arrested person to court and decide whether the imprisonment is legal.
5. Autocracy: One person has complete control over all branches of government.
6. Dictator: A leader who has total control over a country, and is unrestrained by law.
7. Legislation: A proposed law.
8. Loathe: To hate or abhor.
9. Workfare: A system where a person will receive welfare benefits after showing proof of working in a regular job.
10.Insubordination: The act of disobedience.
11. Foreign Exchange Student: Pupils who go to another country to study its culture for a set amount of time, usually a year.
- Inflexible; refusing to yield- Unrelenting.
- A system of leaders who carry out the work of the government through the use of departments- Bureaucracy. Another main characteristic of this type of government is that the officials are non-elected.
- A country in which the government assumes a large share of the social caretaking of the people- Welfare State. It promotes the economic and social well being of all its citizens.
- An order to bring an arrested person to court and decide whether the imprisonment is legal- Habeas Corpus.
- One person has complete control over all branches of government- Autocracy. The person in charge of this type of government is called autocrat and posses the complete powers of the State within.
- A leader who has total control over a country, and is unrestrained by law- Dictator. It is a more radical version of an autocrat. A dictator does not obey any law that the country had before his/her ascent to power.
- A proposed law- legislation
- To hate or abhor- Loathe.
- A system where a person will receive welfare benefits after showing proof of working in a regular job- Workfare. This type of system was known under the Nixon administration.
- The ac of disobedience- Insubordination.
- Pupils who go to another country to study its culture for a set amount of time, usually a year- Foreign exchange student.