Respuesta :
Once upon a time, there once was a pincess whose name was Daisy. Her parents were naturally rich from the income of the country as the king and queen. Therefore, she was granted anything she wanted and in return, her parents left her alone for hours. Although most would say that was sad, Daisy didn't quite agree. She was a pampered rich girl who did everything she wanted and had knights to protect her. She never wanted more. One day, when her parents were attending a meeting, she fluttered her hand and gestured for the knights to leave. She wanted to explore. The knights and servants were naturally extremely worried for the well-being of the princess and, of course, their own heads if Daisy were to accidentally scratch herself. Daisy, however, being a manipulative girl at the young age of 15, somehow convinced the palace workers to leave her alone. Maybe, she threatened them, but so what? She would get away with it. And so, she set off on her journey. There was no worriedness in her mind as she made her way around her kingdom. Perhaps it was because of her past adventures, where her knights had been with her.
She walked and walked until she bumped her pretty, small, nose onto something. A gruff voice rang in her ear. The man growled and pushed her to the side where she and her incredible display of clothes became covered in mud. She shrieked and shouted but no one came to haul the girl back up. No one even cared. Then, with anger, she walked back towards to palace. There, she would bring her knights back. However, when she finally managed to stumble back home, her dress now being dragged on the ground as the mud caked her clothes, the knights didn't recognize her. Or, at least, they did pretend to not recognize her. They held her at sword point and held her down, while seemingly holding back chuckles of their own. It was only until she was yelling profanities that the servants came running and washed her dress down to reveal Daisy, her clothes turned to a darkened mess. She never left without her knight again.