Write function d2x() that takes as input a nonnegative integer n (in the standard decimal representation) and an integer x between 2 and 9 and returns a string of digits that represents the base-x representation of n.

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The function in Python is as follows:

def d2x(d, x):

   if d > 1 and x>1 and x<=9:

       output = ""

       while (d > 0):

           output+= str(d % x)

           d = int(d / x)

       output = output[::-1]

       return output


       return "Number/Base is out of range"


This defines the function

def d2x(d, x):

This checks if base and range are within range i.e. d must be positive and x between 2 and 9 (inclusive)

   if d >= 1 and x>1 and x<=9:

This initializes the output string

       output = ""

This loop is repeated until d is 0

       while (d > 0):

This gets the remainder of d/x and saves the result in output

           output+= str(d % x)

This gets the quotient of d/x

           d = int(d / x) ----- The loop ends here

This reverses the output string

       output = output[::-1]

This returns the output string

       return output

The else statement if d or x is out of range


       return "Number/Base is out of range"