39.40 MeV
Determine the minimum possible Kinetic energy
width of region = 5 fm
From Heisenberg's uncertainty relation below
ΔxΔp ≥ h/2 , where : 2Δx = 5fm , Δpc = hc/2Δx = 39.4 MeV
when we apply this values using the relativistic energy-momentum relation
E^2 = ( mc^2)^2 + ( pc )^2 = 39.4 MeV ( right answer ) because the energy grows quadratically in nonrelativistic approximation,
Also in a nuclear confinement ( E, P >> mc )
while The large value will portray a Non-relativistic limit as calculated below
K = h^2 / 2ma^2 = 1.52 GeV