There are plans underway to build a casino in close proximity to your school.
The locals have expressed their dissatisfaction through petitions and court
appeals. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper expressing your
views on this matter.

Respuesta :

Dear, Local Newspaper

I don't think this is a very great idea. If you guys would write the paper and express why it shouldn't be done, that would help a lot. If Casinos were built next to a learning environment, that would encourage more and more kids to gamble as adults. This is a bad influence, as they will lead up to terrible lives. Kids are at school to learn, and with a Casino nearby, this would interrupt this. It is highly inappropriate, and completely unnecessary. If the Casino happens to be robbed, what ensures that the students nearby will be safe. These are my biggest concerns.



I already wrote this answer on anther, but here you go.