
WHY do politicians & others try to limit, or make it difficult to vote? Who benefits when people are denied the right to vote—or simply cannot vote in elections? What are the downsides to making it easy to vote (it is easy to bank online, pay bills online, buy a vehicle online, enroll in college online—why can’t we vote online?)

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I think you really ought to become familiar with the civil rights movement, particularly if you are an American. The issue in the 60s began as an issue that centered around voting.

Let's start with the fact that in the 60s, there was no such thing as on line. Let's also begin by saying that in the 60s, when the colored went to register, they were asked "qualifying questions" that no one knew the answer to, probably not even the person asking them. Things like if you lived in Alabama you might be asked how many counties there were and what are they.

Think of why people might withhold the vote. The colored in many counties outnumbered the whites. They could elect sheriffs council members, judges, and any other elected official.

There are enough problems with voting without adding the need to see who was casting the ballot. Think of what can be done. You can set up an email address for six people and let all six vote.

Voting is a hard fought for right. People have died for it. It's worth a little bit of inconvenience to make sure it is as honest as it can be made.