3.3: Boiling Water

The function W gives the temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, of a pot of water on a stove,

1 minutes after the stove is turned on.

1. Take turns with your partner to explain the meaning of each statement in this

situation. When it's your partner's turn, listen carefully to their interpretation. If you

disagree, discuss your thinking and work to reach an agreement.

a. W(0) = 72

b. W(5) > W(2)

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c. W(10) = 212wingsteam to bilo na


d. W(12) = W(10)

e. W(15) > W(30)

f. W(0)

Respuesta :



Initial temperature, temperature at time 0

Step-by-step explanation:

The temperature of water in degree Fahrenheit 1 minute after stove is turned on ;

W(0) = 72 ; Initial temperature od water, that is temperature when time, t = 0

W(5) > W(2) ; This will be true, the tperature after 5 minutes should be greater Than the temperature after 2 minutes

W(10) = 212 ; The temperature of water is 212 degree Fahrenheit after 10 minutes

W(12) = W(10)

e. W(15) > W(30)