(A) Population: UCB undergraduates
Sample: The selected 129 UCB undergraduates
(B) Yes, they can be generalized to the population
No, the findings of this single study cannot be used to establish causal relationships between socio-economic classes and unethical behaviors.
Step-by-step explanation:
STUDY: Relationship between socio-economic class and unethical behavior.
The bases for determining social class here are: money, education, and respected job.
RESULT: Those who identified as upper class took more candy than others.
(A) Identify the population of interest and the sample, in this study.
The population of interest in this study is UCB undergraduates.
The sample in this study is the 129 UCB undergraduates who were selected and who agreed to take part in the experiment. They were the participants who were divided into the two social classes before the experiment was conducted.
(B) The results of the study can be generalized to the population of UCB undergraduates since it's likely that the results would be same in another group of 129 UCB undergraduates.
The findings or results of the study cannot be used to establish causal relationships unless the study is conducted in more universities and majority of the results are same with this.