Answer: Though I have never been much of a natural leader I have my moments. I was volenteering at a kids event that goes on once a week. I had been roped into it because they needed help and had already done it for a year. We taught the kids and were good examples for them. I didn’t always enjoy it but I did my best. I was one of the younger helpers but I was one of the mature ones. I was never in that much leadership until my second year. On my second year a majority of the previous leaders who were experienced in my area left. I did not realize this and was assigned to my normal group. However I was put in charge, this was sudden for me and intimidating. I had adults who were older than me asking what to do and how to learn it all. I had to deal with paperwork inputting answers and making sure my helpers and my kids were doing well. I did get worried but I decided to go with it. So I did it well and people respected me. I was able to do all the paper work and other needs with no issue surprisingly. By my fellow helpers I was respected even though I was younger than them.
This experience taught me anyone can be a leader. To be a good one you must respect those below you, listen to those who came before you, be open to suggestions and be willing to do what you ask of others.
I don’t know if it’s to late but here is something I made up good luck and hope this helps!