The following do not represent valid ground-state electron configurations for an atom either because they violate the Pauli exclusion principle or because orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy. Indicate which of these two principles is violated in each example or whether both or neither are violated.
Part 1
A) The orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy.
B) The Pauli exclusion principle is violated.
C) Orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy and the Pauli exclusion principle is violated.
D) The ground-state electron configuration is valid.
Part 2
A) The orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy.
B) The Pauli exclusion principle is violated.
C) Orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy and the Pauli exclusion principle is violated.
D) The ground-state electron configuration is valid.
Part 3
A) The orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy.
B) The Pauli exclusion principle is violated.
C) Orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy and the Pauli exclusion principle is violated.
D) The ground-state electron configuration is valid.

Respuesta :


For both cases the answer is C


We can see that the orbitals are not filled in the order of increasing energy and the Pauli exclusion principle is violated because it does not follow the correct order of the electron configuration; In the first exercise after the 2s2 orbital, the 2p2 orbital follows.

For the second exercise, you must start in order with level 1 and correctly filling each of the sublevels corresponding to each level until reaching level 7 and thus completing the desired number of electrons.

The Pauli exclusion principle shows the correct sequence of filling electrons into orbitals.

For the electron configuration; 1s22s23s2, we can see that the orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy because the 3s orbital follows the 2p orbital which has been omitted.

For the configuration; Rn]7s26d4, the orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy because the 6d orbital follows the 5f orbital and not the 7s orbital as written.

For the configuration; [Ne]3s23d5, orbitals are not filled in order of increasing energy and the Pauli exclusion principle is violated. one of the electrons in the 3s and 3d levels will have exactly the same value for all four quantum numbers.

The order of increasing energy of atomic orbitals is; 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p.

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