Working as an Editor A journalist gives you the following article. Edit it and write an e-mail to the journalist to explain the changes you made and offer some helpful tips for the future. Submit both your edited version of the article and the email that you'd send to the journalist. She may have live to be 100-years-old, but it was a fire, not age that took Hattie Stephen's life. The 100-year-old woman was killed when a fire ravaged her condominium on Saturday April 25th. The same fire destroyed two other condominium. Firefighters spent five hours battling the flames before they were finally contained. The blaze started around 4 p.m. in the living room of Stephen's condominium in the 3000 block of North Elm Street. Authorities say an electrical spark may have caused an oxygen tank in the room to ignite. Confined to a wheelchair, it may have been difficult for Stephen to escape. Family members remembered Hatty Stephen as a loving person who would give a listening ear to anyone who needed one. She was an also avid reader, reading the daily paper from cover to cover and going through 10 books a month from the local library. "She was a wonderful woman," said Stephen's son, Richard Stephens. "She was blessed to live to 100, but we still think she was gone too soon."

Respuesta :


Hi um do you know the answer for this now because I need help with it and it would help a lot if you could share it with me /ty


It was April 25th, 4 p.m., when the woman, Hattie Stephan, who had lived to be 100-years, had passed in a devasting fire that ravaged her condominium. In five hours, the flames managed to destroy two nearby condominiums before being contained.

The fire had started in the living room of her condominium. Authorities say an electrical spark may have caused an oxygen tank in the room to ignite. During the fire, Hattie was in a wheelchair making it hard to escape the growing flames. Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to escape this disastrous fire.

Her family remembers her as a loving person willing to listen to anyone who needed a listening ear. Her family recalls that she was an avid reader who enjoyed reading the daily newspaper still reading plenty of books from the local library.

Her son, Richard Stephan who said, “She was a wonderful woman. She was blessed to have lived to 100, but we still think she was gone too soon.  

Mr./Mrs. ______

Your article has been corrected; please follow the few tips I have added down below.

Remember to check the endings of your words. In the sentence when you said “Her family members remembered Hattie”, you misspelled her name and said “Hatty”

Remember to make things plural when they need to be. “The same fire destroyed two other condominium.” It should be condominiums.

Add a comma when it is needed. “The 100-year-old woman was killed when a fire ravaged her condominium on Saturday April 25th.” It needed to be “The 100-year-old woman was killed when a fire ravaged her apartment on Saturday, April 25th.


Selah Adkins


Remember to change the answer to your liking and to avoid plagarism.

Hope this helped!