Respuesta :
Answer and Explanation:
A. Dependent variable: academic quality level.
Independent variable: knowing how to use the computer during childhood.
operational definition: Assess the level of academic quality among students who know how to use the computer during childhood and students who do not know. This evaluation will be done with the analysis of the average academic performance coefficient between the two groups of students.
Research strategy: Longitudinal study in which it would be possible to evaluate students over a long period of time.
Collection and data methods: Observational, since the average academic performance coefficient would be analyzed.
To test the hypothesis: I would observe if the academic performance coefficient of students who knew how to use the computer in childhood was higher than the coefficient of those who did not know.
B. Dependent variable: Participants' health.
Independent variable: Close family relationships.
Operational definition: Two groups of people will be formed, with people who have close family relationships and people who do not have close family relationships. The level of health of these two groups will be compared through physical and psychological examinations.
Research strategy: Longitudinal, as the experiment will continue for years.
Project type: Non-experimental.
Data collection method: individual test and questionnaire, to find out how the participant's relationship with the family is and how it affects their health.
To test the hypothesis: The group formed by people with a good family relationship should have better results in physical and psychological tests.