problems of population growth are
1. Economic causes : the economy always affect the fertility rate of any country. parents in backward communities considered their children as sources of income in future. most of these parents think that producing more children is helpful addition to the workforce and a means to increase the agricultural production.Economic causes refers to those aspect of our life that affect the population size from economic point of view.
2. Economic status: number of children are more in agro based communities. economic status also increase the agricultural countries like I was all the works are done manually so more level forces are working people are required. farmer think that if they have large family they will accomplish their works easily and they will not have to hire people. they will be able to save the unnecessary cost . In other words ,the polar parents give birth to many childrens. it helps to increase the population.
3. Poverty: Poverty is another important factor of population growth in every country.many people of their country are under the absolute poverty line.they think that the birth of a son is the prospect of income in the family and he will drive them away from the poverty-stricken life.earn more money to wipe out their poverty. similarly, many pop people are deprived of even basic needs. education becomes an additional need to them. Then, the same vicious circle of illiteracy binds them within the same boundary of inner ignorance and poverty. Therefore,poverty plays an important role to increase the population of any country.